Sunday, March 21, 2010

The newly discovered principle of gravitational time reduction

Mechanism-Revealed Physics (25/40) ----- by Bingcheng Zhao
Also Mechanism-Revealed Gravitational Theory (6/7)

The principle of gravitational time reduction (GTR) embedded in Mechanism-Revealed Gravitational Theory (MRGT): the principle of gravitational time reduction (GTR) refers to the time scale in the gravitational field generated by a rationally massive astronomical object increases outwardly (i.e., decrease radially inward). As a result, the clocks in a gravitational field go slower when observed by distant observers with their own larger time scale at the locations free of the influence of the gravitational field (P. 496 ~ 501, reference #1). [*Note, MRGT = Mechanism-Revealed Gravitational Theory (P. 445 ~ 514, Ch.4B, reference #1)]. The three important equations in the principle of GTR are Eq (4-42), Eq (4-43) and Eq (4-44) on P. 498 and P. 500 (Ch.4B, reference #1).

The principle of GTR has been verified by citing two well-known experimental results: (i) the value calculated with the principle of GTR equal to 4.3 x 10^(-10) versus the widely accepted 4.5 x 10^(-10) obtained in the Scout rocket experiment (P. 499 ~ 500, reference #1). (ii) The value calculated with the principle of GTR is 144.22 ns vs. 144.14 ns obtained by Hafele and Keating in eastward flight in the experiment of around-world atomic clocks; the value calculated with the principle of GTR is 179.68 ns vs. 179.18 ns obtained by Hafele and Keating in westward flight in the experiment of around-world atomic clocks (P. 500 ~ 501, reference #1).

The key to understanding of the principle of GTR: (i) due to its mechanism-revealed nature, the principle of GTR in MRGT is mechanistically thus essentially different from the gravitational time dilation in Einstein’s general relativity that is postulate-based feature. (ii) As long as you have known the greatest equation in the history of science, which is Einstein’s famous mass-energy equation (E = mc^2 or E0 = mc^2), you will easily understand the principle of GTR, because the law of object’s mass doing work (P. 93 ~ 109, Ch.1A, reference #1), which lays the foundation of the principle of GTR, also reveals the mechanism behind the greatest equation (P. 114 ~ 118, Ch.1B, reference #1).

Reference #1: 2009, Bingcheng Zhao, From Postulate-Based Modern Physics to Mechanism-Revealed Physics [Vol. 1(1/2)], ISBN: 978-1-4357-4913-9.
Reference #2: 2009, Bingcheng Zhao, From Postulate-Based Modern Physics to Mechanism-Revealed Physics [Vol. 2(2/2)], ISBN: 978-1-4357-5033-3.

Ph.D., Bingcheng Zhao,
The author of “From Postulate-Based Modern Physics to Mechanism-Revealed Physics”
1401 NE Merman Dr. Apt. 703, Pullman, WA 99163 USA.